The pics will not be in order cause im LAZY and SUPERB TIRED okay. So just dun bother bout the sequence pics to see enough heheh

At sibu's restaurant..the nice supposedly 5 tiers but end up to be 3 tiers cake with two escalator look alike things to connect the two cakes at the side. Nice right !!?

The 3 room mates of mine; ahKeong, darLing, CziaWui. I mean we shared hotel room @ sibu. We even played games, calling each other; my bf-boss/xiao jiu(small uncle), me-PA no.1[teman to functions one], ahKeong-manager/driver, CziaWui-(this one most kesian..always kena bully by them) guard/PA no.2[only do work one this PA]

The newly weds with the uncle&aunty whom flew in all the way from NZ just to attend the wedding omg so supportive lor this groom side's family!

Bride's maid(cousin of bride),BF, bf's small aunt's son zaizai and the flower girls and boys from the groom's side. So cute lor the flower girls.

This is the chinese tradition of showing what the bride has and the luggage is to be brought to the groom's house. Below is new clothes and stuff..then goldddddd many many golds and moneyyyy...and a piece of cheque!

Myself & Bf dearest. Credits to PA2 cum guard and Manager cum driver hahaha!!

above & below : Groom, Bride & bride's lil bro
Paiseh lah..this one taken by me buthen a bit blurish. Cause the groom's mother behind them..we all paiseh want to take photo liao and then wanna rush rush so can faster go back to our seats.
p/s: im soooooo tired. haven't slept well for few nights dy cause we all so excited and busy for the big day and got wedding door games to prepare too. it was great and such happy moment!
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