Since these days im pretty much of the 'eat full nothing to do' person... I've turned myself into a movie-marathoner, I've been painting nails like no tomorrow, eat like I'll be dead the next second, go to shopping malls like im afraid the malls would go bankrupt ( or put it another way, like i contribute one pillar of the mall [my mum always say this version] ), wasting my time cause i've got all the time in the world !!!! <--HAH this is the best part and many other weird things i do not intend to tell, or have forgotten..
Anyways !! Yesterday, i went out with my mum and a family friend to breakfast and window shopping. We went anywhere BUT Spring cause the Singer/Actor Show Luo was there to promote his new album i think ? To continue, before heading home, mum mentioned that she wanna go check out a new optical shop at Jln Song cause she always look for that girl (who so happen to be the owner of the shop) to do her specs all these years.
Hence, i was having itchy heart and i asked to see the coloured contact lenses..while mother dear had her eyes glued to the sunglasses -_- My mother dear can start her collections of sunglasses dy. Can say she must not walk into any optical shop lor... else she start looking for new sunglasses liao. Yes she bought herself a pair of new sunglasses while i on the other hand took the chance and asked my mum to pay for my contact lenses also. BTW, I'm using 0 degree lenses cause my eye sights suuuper good. Im the only one in this house who doesn't wear specs okay ! *AhEM*
Don't believe me ? See below !! -0.00 Grey lenses (:
The owner told me it looks more natural on the eyes and many ppl choose grey and violet instead of blue. ( I wanted violet but on second thought i took grey..i dun wanna be labelled as momok okay !)
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