Saturday, December 31, 2011

goodbye 2011..hello 2012!

In 2011, ​We made many friends.

Some became Dearest,:) 
Some became Special,  
Some We Fell in Love with,  

Some went Abroad,:( or to the village=) )
Some changed their cities, :(

Some Left us, :'(
We Left some,:/

Some don't contact because of their ego, >;/
We don't contact some because of our ego, X_X

Some left us alone in this world: :'( >:O

Wherever they are,O:)
However they are,/:)
We still remember, Love, Miss, Care about them because of the part they played. They made MEMORIES in our Lives and therefore are part of it! \=D/
So if u read this, then know i haven't forgotten u & I want to say, Thank you for being part of my 2011... ({}).

♥ May the dragon year bring us all better luck, much more happiness, many blessings and love, and always stay healthy!! 

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