Saturday, January 8, 2011

oh wells..what more can i say?

I cant help it if you're the type that cant be proven wrong. Fact is u're just unhappy cause someone is able to prove u wrong. Why must it that everyone else put up with your childishness and let you 'kek' and cannot 'kek' you back once in a while?

Just cause you cant afford certain things in life you say people only know how to spend parents' money. Stop being a green eyed monster la. Please la. GROW UP. How old dy? Still so childish. Sien kao kao.

Please be kindly reminded that not everyone can do/go your way in everything.. sides, it's not like things you want/say/do is always the right one. In fact, only if you know how to think a little more maturely, im sure you can accept the fact that you said/do something wrong on the first place.

A person whom cannot be say/advised is definitely a failure. Dare to fail la kawan. It's not wrong to do/say wrong thing but it definitely is wrong if you dun wanna accept fact and change. Why are you so typical and predictable. So "mei du liang"..

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